Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Asian Tattoos Get Lost in Translation

Asian Tattoos Get Lost in Translation
Asian Tattoos Get Lost in Translation

Asian tattoos have become very popular over the last couple of years. Some may say its the mysteriousness behind them that attracts people to them or uniqueness of the Asian characters. Not to mention it's a great conversation piece because people will constantly be asking you what it means. They also have some sort of sex appeal to them. However, there is a growing problem that has been linked to Asian tattoos. The meaning of the character is lost in translation or the meaning of what people think it means turns out to be something completely different.

Many athletes and celebrities sport some sort of Asian tattoo and they too have become victim to the lost in translation of their tattoo. Below is a list of athletes and celebrities that have some sort of Asian tattoo that has been lost in translation or the meaning has been misinterpreted.

Megan Fox's Mom Hates Her Tattoos

Megan Fox's Mom Hates Her Tattoos
Megan Fox's Mom Hates Her Tattoos

If you have been living under a rock for the past couple of years you probably have no idea that they mega hot Transformer star, Megan Fox has nine tattoos on her very sexy body. She has been criticized ever since she became popular and people still talk about her tattoo collection today. Most have bad things to say regarding her tattoo designs, the quality of them, why someone so pretty would ruin their body etc. Well it seems that Megan's mother is one of those many people that don't care for her tattoos. She constantly asks her daughter why she must ruin her perfect body with tattoos. It has been reported that Megan's mother pleads with her daughter every time she gets a new tattoo not to get another one and of course in true Megan fashion she does not listen.

Megan's mother, Darlene's main concern is when Megan is older in her mid 30's to 40's and wants to play more mature roles in movies that directors will not hire her daughter because of her tattoos. Of course Megan has a great comeback for that. Angelina Jolie. She has had no problem finding roles in Hollywood, but then again she IS Angelina Jolie so that might have something else to do with it. Megan isn't exactly up to Angelina's stature but she does have time to improve on her acting skills.

Celebrity Tattoos - Katy Perry

Celebrity Tattoos - Katy Perry
Celebrity Tattoos - Katy Perry

When one thinks of the, I kissed a girl singer the last thing that comes to their mind is tattoos. This is the best thing about tattoos. People who you would never think to have one has one. This also just goes to show that the stereotype on tattoos couldn't be more wrong. It is usually those shy, good girls from next door that have a secret love for tattoos. With that being said, Katy Perry does have a tattoo of her own and it just so happens to be in a rather visible place.

Katy has a tattoo on her left wrist. Her tattoo is a text tattoo, that simply says Jesus in black ink. No word on why Katy decided to get this tattoo. But there you have it she does have one. There have also been some rumors that she has a lip tattoo on her back somewhere. However, Katy does not rule out the possibility of getting another tattoo. It seems that the hot and cold singer, has been hot and cold about getting a tattoo of Freddie Mercury on her back. Katy has once stated that she looks up the former front-man of Queen and completely idolizes him. She shared that she once almost got a huge tattoo of Freddie's face on her back, but says she decided against at the last minute. She says she is glad she didn't do it but on the flip side she still has an urge to get this tattoo on her back. So it is pretty safe to say that this pin up style singer will more than likely add to her tattoo collection one day.

Marine Corps Make a Change in Their Tattoo Policy

Marine Corps Make a Change in Their Tattoo Policy
Marine Corps Make a Change in Their Tattoo Policy

You may think that is kind of odd that the Marine Corps would be making a change in a tattoo policy. Mainly because way back in the day men who were in the service were one of the only people besides criminals and dirt bags that had tattoos. Well the Marine Corps are not making a positive change in their tattoo policy, unfortunately it is a bad one if you have tattoos.

The policy that is being changed is in regards to tattoo sleeves. As of September 4, 2008, Marines who have tattoo sleeves are no longer authorized to serve as a recruiter or Marine Security Guard. The Marine Corp defines a tattoo sleeve as the following:a large tattoo or collection of smaller tattoos that covers or almost covers a person's arm or leg. This new policy also includes half and quarter sleeves if they are visible in green-on-green, physical training gear.

The reason behind this new policy change is that Marine recruiter or Marine Security Guard have a huge impact on public perception as they routinely interact with civilians, both at home and aboard, in the daily performance of their duties.

Celebrity Tattoos - Brad Pitt

Celebrity Tattoos - Brad Pitt
Celebrity Tattoos - Brad Pitt

Since it is Wednesday it's time for my weekly installment of Celebrity Tattoos. This week I decided to go with Brad Pitt, mainly because so many women and men think he is the sexiest man alive and that a lot of people are not ware that Brad actually has tattoos. To be honest you will probably be shocked to how many Brad has.

The first tattoo of Brad's I'm going to start with is the one on his back. There has been a lot of speculation to what it was. But I'm here to tell you it's not a map of New Orleans. It is just a bunch of scribbles that Angelina drew on his back one night when they were playing around. Angelina said he liked the lines and decided to get them tattooed on him. There are also reports of Brad having another tattoo on his back that is a Sanskrit blessing of protection for his adopted son Maddox, that matches a similar tattoo on Angelina's body.

Random Tattoo Thought

Random Tattoo Thought

Okay to be frank it is Saturday and I don't really have a great post in mind for today, but I have been thinking of something that I thought I would share. For some reason I have been having the urge to get more tattoos but I haven't acted on these urges mainly because of my husband. However, that is a different post for a different day.

But this got me thinking about something. When we all get old and have wrinkly saggy skin what in the world will our tattoos look like? I mean I'm in my twenties now and it is cool to have tattoos but what happened when I'm in my 60's or 70's?

These thoughts have got me thinking should I get anymore tattoos because of this or should I just live it up while I'm young and get as many tattoos as I want. Honestly, these kind of thoughts are not going through peoples heads when they get tattoos. But maybe they should? But who am I kidding? I think you should be able to do whatever you want to your body/skin when you are young. Or heck even when you are old.

Getting a Tattoo While Breastfeeding

Getting a Tattoo While Breastfeeding

For some reason there is a lot of controversy about woman getting tattoos while they are pregnant as well as breastfeeding. However, these so called people have every reason to be concerned about woman getting tattoos while pregnant. That is definitely not a safe practice. A well respect good tattoo artist will never knowingly tattoos a pregnant woman. So if you are not showing and know that you are pregnant do not weasel your way into making a tattoo artist give you a tattoo.

Now when it comes to wanting a tattoo to mark this incredible special moment in your life there are a few things you should know. A lot of people say it is just as dangerous getting a tattoo while you are breastfeeding as it is if you are pregnant. While some experts claim that it is completely safe to get inked while breastfeeding your child. Mainly due to the fact that the ink does not get into your milk supply so you will not be passing anything harmful on to the baby.

However, there are risks involved in this process, such as the mother not taking care of her new tattoo or getting an infections. But you should know that getting an infection in your tattoo doesn't happen very often. So if you want a tattoo bad enough after you have given birth and you are currently breastfeeding your new baby then it is up to you to use your own discretion to whether or not you want to get that fresh ink.

Megan Fox Done With Tattoos

Megan Fox Done With Tattoos
Megan Fox Done With Tattoos

Shockingly enough the Transformer beauty has ended her love affair and addiction to tattoos. Perhaps her mother's constant begging not to get anymore tattoos has finally gotten to Megan. Whether it was her mother's influence or not this sexy actress will not be getting any more tattoos on her gorgeous body. Despite the fact that Megan announced that she wanted to get a sleeve done on one of her arms, she has since retracted that statement and now says no more tattoos. Megan claims her reasoning for scrapping the idea of tattoo sleeve is she fears she may regret it later on in her life and doesn't want to regret going under the needle.

However, Megan does admit that tattoos are addicting and that she loves the rush she gets when she gets a new tattoo, but insists it's probably best to stop while she is a head. She has a total of nine tattoos and that seems plenty enough for this sex symbol. Megan says she is trying to refrain from going forward with her tattoo sleeve because she doesn't want to be 40 years old looking in the mirror at herself saying, 'Oh my God - what did I do?'"

Henna Tattoos Cause Scars

Henna Tattoos Cause Scars

I have read several articles all over the internet claiming that a large amount of people around the world are having severe allergic reactions to henna tattoos. Granted most of these people have traveled out of the United States to somewhere in Asia. A nine year old girl from Greece got a henna tattoo and within hours of getting it, it blistered and when the blisters popped the ink began to scab off. Then it got redder and hotter. They went to a doctor and the doctor advised them to go to a burn unit at the hospital. Doctors are concerned that this temporary tattoo is going to scare this little girl for life.

There is also another horrible story about a 10 year old boy from Australia that is experience something a little different than blisters, very dark hair is growing around the henna tattoo.

Dermatologists say these horrible allergic reactions are being caused by the toxic dye para-phenylenediamine, or PPD, that these people are using while giving people these henna tattoos. This toxic dye is similar to the dye that is used in hair dye. Also experts are suggesting that these places in Asia are using black ink and not the traditional brown ink.

So the best advise dermatologists and parents who have children that have had reactions to these henna tattoos is just to avoid them all together, especially if you are out of the country. Also if you notice the ink they are using is black is another huge indication to stay away from them. If you want a fake tattoo just stick to the original temporary ones.

Celebrity Tattoos - Hayden Panettiere

Celebrity Tattoos - Hayden Panettiere
Celebrity Tattoos - Hayden Panettiere

Hayden Panettiere may have come out of nowhere but the Hero's star has certainly started to make a name for herself in Hollywood. She is actively standing up for the rights of dolphins in Japan. She has been actively protesting the government over there and she was even got into some legal trouble over there because if it. Well the Hero's star didn't stop there, Hayden is also involved with several other charities that range from children to dogs to Whales. Hayden also sells her own clothes and gives the proceeds to charity. Now with all this good that this young star has done would you even think that she had some tattoos. This just goes to show that even good charity people that care deeply about animals and children can bare tattoos and not be a terrible, horrible, evil person.

Hayden is only at the ripe age of 19 but the Hero's star has two tattoos of her own. Many people including her mother didn't even know she had even gotten her first tattoo. Hayden's first tattoo is so small it is rather hard to see, literally if you blink you miss it. Hayden has the Leo symbol right under her ankle bone on her left foot. Hayden also has another tattoo that runs down the side of her right side. No one has been able to fully see what this tattoo says but the first two words are, Vivere Memento, which is Italian for Live the moment.

Celebrity Tattoos - Megan Fox

Celebrity Tattoos - Megan Fox
Celebrity Tattoos - Megan Fox
Celebrity Tattoos - Megan Fox

The beautiful Transformers star is a avid tattoo lover and has several of her own. A lot of people may not understand her tattoos and I've read a lot of people think they are tacky. But people don't get tattoos for other people they get them for themselves and I'm sure every tattoo that Megan has, has a special meaning to her.

Megan tattoos include:

A portrait of Marilyn Monroe on her right forearm, star and crescent moon on her right leg, symbol for strength on the back of her neck, a Shakespeare quote on her back, some tribal symbols, and a "Brian" on her stomach, as well as a poem she wrote that's on her ribcage.

Megan does have some regrets about one of her tattoos.

"She regrets the "tribal" tat. She said, "The guy was smoking weed while he tattooed me and he didn't do it correctly. Now it's nothing and I'm gonna get it removed. I was told he was a really amazing tattoo artist but he wasn't on his game that night. He was distracted."

Celebrity Tattoos - Nicole Richie

Celebrity Tattoos - Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie has several tattoos of her own nine to be exact. Back in 2005 Nicole held the number two spot on a list of the Top 25 Tattooed Celebrities. As you can guess the heavily tattooed but lovely none the less Angelina Jolie came in at number one.

Nicole has lived a very troubled life but she has seemed to have gotten things pulled together since the birth of her daughter Harlow. Nicole is no stranger to the tattoo gun and loves to show off her nine tattoos to the world.

Interesting Tattoo Facts

Interesting Tattoo Facts
Interesting Tattoo Facts
Whether people like it or not tattoos are here to stay and more and more people are heading out to their local tattoo parlor every day to get a tattoo. For a society that does not think too kindly of tattoos they sure do pop in the least likely places. Our everyday lives revolve around tattoos in someway shape or form without one even realizing it. Tattoos are not an evil thing. They are just a form of self expression. With that being said there are a ton of interesting and fun facts about tattoos that people are not aware of.

Tattoo Parlor Hours

Tattoo Parlor Hours

If you have decided to get a tattoo one important thing that you need to be a ware of is the hours your tattoo parlor or studio is open. A majority of tattoo parlors open around Noon (12:00 PM) everyday and close anywhere from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM and most stay open until midnight Friday and Saturday. However most tattoo parlors close early on Sunday or may not be open at all. First thing is first drop by your desired tattoo parlor and learn the hours so you don't drop in when they are not opened. Also don't be a closer, a client that comes in 15 to 10 minutes before closing, tattoo artists really hate this. Also to be curious to the tattoo artist, don't be waiting outside the door waiting for them to open the shop up. Give them some time to get in and get settled before you bombard them.

Another important piece of information to know is a vast majority of tattoo artist will let their repeat customers make an appointment so they don't have to wait around. Ask your artist if they could do this for you as well. Also keep in mind that most tattoo parlors don't have a huge waiting line so you don't have to worry about that. The only time this could be a problem is if you are visiting a very popular tattoo parlor like Miami Ink, LA, Ink or Carey Hart's tattoo or studio in Las Vegas Hart & Huntington or any tattoo parlor that celebrities like to hang out at and get inked.

Celebrity Copy Cat Tattoos

Celebrity Copy Cat Tattoos

One of the coolest things about having a tattoo is that nine times out of ten no one else in the world will have the same tattoo as you. Well this can not be said for Rihanna anymore. If you remember correctly Rihanna has a Shhh...tattoo on her right index finger. Well it seems that Lily Allen and Lindsay Lohan now have the same Shhh...tattoo on their right index finger. Whether or not this was done on purpose no one knows for sure.

It seems that Lindsay and her new bff Lily Allen were hanging out at Chateau Marmont Wednesday night and decided to go to Shamrock Tattoos in West Hollywood and get some fresh ink. The two girls walked out of the tattoo parlor with matching Shhh...tattoos on their right index fingers. However, numerous people could say that they copied Rihanna. She has had her Shhh...tattoos for a long while now.

This is a great example of people not being able to come up with an original idea. When it comes to tattoos you don't need to copy somebody else's tattoos. Their tattoo is special to them in their own little way. So you should not deliberately go out and copy somebody else's tattoo. Keep your tattoos designs unique and personal to your life and your experiences. It is pretty much a guarantee that both girl were a little bit drunk when they got these matching tattoos, because there are several reports of them drinking for house at Chateau Marmont. Which if you know anything about tattoos you know alcohol and tattoos are a bad mix. For one you don't make rational decisions and you will probably end up regretting whatever you got inked. However, the two girls seem to be very proud of their new tattoos.

Celebrity Tattoos - Mark McGrath

Celebrity Tattoos - Mark McGrath
Celebrity Tattoos - Mark McGrath
The front man of the fun loving group Sugar Ray is no stranger to the tattoo gun. Mark has varies tattoos located all over this body. Most of his tattoos have a lot of personal meaning to him like most people. But Mark is a great example of not judging a book by its cover. Not only is Mark the front man of a rock group but he also has a degree in journalism.

Script Writing Tattoo

Script Writing Tattoo
Script Writing Tattoo

Rihana Writing Tattoo

Rihana Writing Tattoo
Rihana Writing Tattoo

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Japanese Tattoo Ankle

Japanese Tattoo AnkleJapanese Tattoo Ankle # 1

Japanese Tattoo AnkleJapanese Tattoo Ankle # 2

Japanese Tattoo AnkleJapanese Tattoo Ankle # 3


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Japanese Cross Tattoo

Japanese Cross TattooJapanese Cross Tattoo # 1

Japanese Cross TattooJapanese Cross Tattoo # 2

Japanese Cross TattooJapanese Cross Tattoo # 3

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